Monday, June 30, 2008

Hearing on Rincon Copper Mine 6/30/08 @ 6-9pm

Coronado Forest Service Hearing
June 30th, 6:00-9:00pm
Rincon High School, Tucson (corner of 5th and Swan)

Subject: From Elizabeth- A must read for residents and parents of the Vail Unfied School District -Last Chanc
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 12:36:18 -0700

Hello All,

Please read and forward to everyone you know in the Vail School district boundaries.

I know your eyes must be glazing over from hearing about the proposed Rosemont Copper Mine, but if you do not hear one other thing, I want you to hear these things. This is OUR community. We all live or work within the 425 square mile boundaries of the Vail Unified School District and this is our LAST CHANCE TO SPEAK PUBLICLY!

Your superintendent and all of us have worked for the past years to grow this community from 1 school to 16. We have no library, we have no community center, we have no sheriff's substation. We have two very small public parks one of which is shared with Cienega High School. Our Pima County bond was just continued to 2009.

We were willing to stand together and ask for what we wanted when it came to our community then. WE have to stand together now and say that it is

*NOT acceptable to use our community as a shipping port. (Port of Tucson at Kolb and Valencia) See the map, our kids would be bussed on the same interstate to Old Vail Middle as mining trucks to and from the Port of Tucson, or to Sahuarita, or to Mexico or to Benson.

*Not acceptable to put our commuting parents, grandparents and high school students at risk on I-10.

*Not acceptable to expose are community to the chemicals, the dust, the diesel, the explosives, the arsenic in the water

*Not acceptable to put our children who live on Highway 83 at daily risk

*Not acceptable to the taxpayers of the Rincon Valley, Corona and COT Fire Districts to bear the financial burden for increased accidents due to a road which cannot sustain these types of vehicles. A highway which is NOT in a fire district.

* Not acceptable to block the surface waters which flow into the Cienega Creeks which turns into the Pantano which feeds Vail Water Company, COT water, Spanish Trail Water, Other well co-ops and private wells.

*Not acceptable to drawn water just west of Corona and then recharge in Avra Valley. The Santa Cruz is a river which flows north!

* Not acceptable to expect the Vail Unified School district to bear the overcrowding burden.

* Not acceptable to kill our wildlife, destroy our recreation areas, demolish native American villages and Vail historic sites. (The VR Ranch, once own by Edward Vail is the now Rosemont Ranch)

* Not acceptable to take away some of the few remaining legal ATV sites.

* It is not acceptable to ask our community to bear the burden of new high intensity electrical transmission lines and substations so that electricity for the proposed mine can be taken from the Vail substation located at Rita Rd and I-10. (according to the mine plan of operations)

*It is not acceptable to hold the first 3 Open Houses during the Vail Unified School District's Spring Break and the last two hearings during the VUSD's modified Summer Vacation. (The first was in Elgin AZ.)

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY! It is NOT Acceptable to DENY the community of nearly 25 thousand registered voters who would be the most affected by the proposed action, whether, negatively or positively, the opportunity to SPEAK ITS MIND at a HEARING IN THE COMMUNITY!

The meeting that had the most comments, aside from the free dinner night was the VAIL open house! (of course!)

It is OUR responsibility to attend the last Coronado Forest Service Hearing on June 30th from 6:00-9:00pm at Rincon High School on the corner of 5th and Swan in Tucson to let them know it is NOT ACCEPTABLE! You do not have to speak but if you want to, sign up is from 5:30-8:30pm. This is not just about Elizabeth being on a tear or a bunch of Old People Nimby, College Student Environvental Wack-a-Doodles with nothing better to do as some would like to imply.

Rincon High School 422 N Arcadia Ave, Tucson, AZ 85711 - 520-232-5600


see Supervisor Carroll testify
See Congresswoman Giffords tesify
See Chairman Elias Speak
Vice Mayor City of Tucson Nina Trasoff
Here a Forest Service Rep. Talk about Rosemont Bussing people after feeding them

Let me me tell you, they did not jut get people from the south side, they went to Fast Horse Ranch in Vail and Eric Dorman in Corona. You can read the slips showing the names, addresses and phone numbers from the first night at the Forest Service website.

Whether you are FOR or AGAINST the proposed mine you DESERVE the right to speak without having to drive 40 miles round trip (average- for some it is more, for some it is less)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Growth Survey

The following survey results contain some good demographic & other information surveyed from the local community.